Cada día ofrecemos un programa licenciado GRATIS que de otra manera tendrías que comprar!

Boost Speed 9 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Boost Speed 9

¡Afina tu PC para obtener el máximo rendimiento!
$59.95 EXPIRÓ
Votación de Usuario: 137 Déjanos un Comentario

Boost Speed 9 estaba como Giveaway el día n 2 de febrero de 2018

Hoy en Giveaway of the Day
gratis hoy
Una suite de limpieza y ajuste del sistema para ventanas.

Como trabaja BoostSpeed:

  • DIAGNOSTICA tu sistema Windows. Dado que el diagnóstico es la mitad de la cura.
  • LIMPIA los archivos basura. Una PC limpia significa una mejor eficiencia.
  • RESTABLECE la estabilidad del sistema. Los errores y bloqueos son cosa del pasado.
  • MEJORA la velocidad de la computadora. Todo en tu PC funciona más rápido.
  • PROTEGE tu privacidad. Su sistema es más seguro contra los piratas informáticos.
  • AUTOMATIZA el mantenimiento del sistema. Establecer la conveniencia de programar y olvidar.
  • LAS GUARDAS suavizan el rendimiento. Tu PC se mantiene rápida y estable para todas tus tareas.

  • The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Requerimientos del Sistema:

Windows XP SP3 (x32)/ Vista SP2 (x32)/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10; Hard disk space: 60 MB; Memory: 512 MB; Recommended screen resolution: 1024x700

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Página Oficial:

Tamaño del Archivo:

19.6 MB



Comentarios en Boost Speed 9

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This developer is not alone in giving away out-dated software as sell-ups to current versions. Its nag screens have, however, been the most irritatingly intrusive. Unless its sales tactics have changed, then taking up the Boost Speed 9 offer today -- a version that, contrary to the information given on this page, is not available at $59.95 -- will result in constant nagging to buy version 10 . . . because, as Auslogics will repeatedly assert, Boost Speed 10 is superior.

Leaving aside the issue as to why anyone would want to deploy inferior software on the delicate task of improving a computer's performance, this type of software -- whether from this developer or not -- is high-risk stuff.

Auslogics says in its blurb on this page:

"How BoostSpeed works: DIAGNOSES your Windows system. Since diagnosis is half the cure"

but conspicuously omits the word "accurate". Accurate diagnosis. Because diagnosis that isn't accurate is less a 50% cure as a potential 100% disaster.

Time after time I encounter friends and family who have happily entrusted perfectly good home computers to the diagnostics of so-called optimization software, only to have those computers rendered unusable. I doubt I'm alone in that experience.

Every computer is as individual, and darn near as complex, as its owner. No one-diagnosis-fits-all software can cope with that complexity. If your computer is running OK, then leave it alone. If it isn't, and you know enough to involve yourself in an attempt to sort it out, then use any of the Internet forums where expert help is freely available -- or pay your local PC repair guy to put things right.

Thanks, GOTD, but no thanks.

MikeR  –  7 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+108)

As others have mentioned, this type of program can be very dangerous to your system at best and total snake oil at worst. Now Auslogics DOES make some very decent software, unfortunately this is not in that category. Over and above the fact that in the last few years their nag screens and spam have gotten totally out of hand is that THIS type of program is totally unneeded and potentially can make your machine worse. As MikeR mentioned, if you have a slow machine there are other MUCH MORE safe ways to "speed it up". I urge you to look for a reputable forum for your particular system , (tenforums, sevenforums are both excellent places to go as well as toms hardware among others)(I'm not going to link to them but urge you to visit if you feel the need)

I know, after visiting this site for many years, that many will go ahead and download / use this and most of those will not have any catastrophic effects ........ at least at first. But this type of program is all but guaranteed to EVENTUALLY brick your system eventually. A cleaning with Ccleaner once a week or so is all the average user needs to keep their system humming along. And that's just if you're lazy as it does nothing YOU can't do with a few minutes of your time. I urge everyone reading this or thinking about using this piece of software to take the few minutes of your time it takes to learn HOW to do this stuff yourself. Its not hard and gives you much more control over what happens to your machine. Plus as an added side benefit, the confidence you get by being the master of your machine is priceless.

indianacarnie  –  7 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+104)

indianacarnie, You are right on the money with that comment.
I just hope, the novice, heeds the warning.

Jim  –  7 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+32)

Installed w/o s hitch on my Windows 10 Pro. Actually found so many things that I suspected weren't true, like two of my external drives needing defragging when they didn't. I decided not to trust it and uninstalled immediately...

jpmalonesr  –  7 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+61)

How to boost your PC's speed: Reinstall OS, Add maximum RAM, Add a Solid State HD, upgrade your CPU if possible.

jj juice  –  7 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+45)

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