16 de agosto de 2014
Daily To-Do list is a simple to-do list software with reminders and to-do lists organized day by day.
17 de marzo de 2012
SmartSleep is a utility for shutting down computer (or doing some other action) at specified time, with task scheduler.
1 de marzo de 2012
Tree Notes is a universal, very user friendly and powerful note manager that organizes your notes in a tree.
13 de febrero de 2012
Daily To-Do list is a to-do list software with reminder and to-do lists organized day by day.
20 de enero de 2012
FastPaste is new utility for pasting commonly used text phrases, formatted text or even images into the applications.
30 de julio de 2011
FastPaste is new utility for pasting commonly used text phrases, formatted text or even images into the applications.
12 de julio de 2011
SmartSleep is a powerful shutdown utility and shutdown scheduler.
20 de mayo de 2011
Tree Notes is a personal notes organizer that can be used as an simple information system or knowledge base, it can store all your notes in a single database file.
22 de mayo de 2007
FastPaste es una utilidad nueva galardonada por pegar en las aplicaciones frases de textos que se utilizan de manera frecuente, textos formateados o incluso imágenes.
20 de mayo de 2007
SmartSleep es una poderosa utilidad y programador para apagar la computadora.