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Fantastic Flame Screensaver estaba como Giveaway el día n 19 de septiembre de 2010
Este protector de pantalla ingenioso establece su escritorio en llamas! Cuando Fantastic Flame se enciende, todo en su escritorio - fondos de escritorio, iconos, ventanas - aparecerá encendiéndose en fuego, brillando y emitiendo un efecto de humo. Además, muchas llamas antecedentes (signos del zodíaco, carteles de cine y juegos, fotos Fantasy, etc) y coloridos estilos llama (más de 70 en total!) vienen incluidos. Sus amigos dirán: Oye, tu escritorio está en llamas!
Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7
5.61 MB
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PS - I for got to mention something important. During installation it offers a setting to have this sit in your system task tray to 'quickly activate the screen saver' I highly recommend that you uncheck this option. After reading some WOT reviews of Laconic Software, they have been accused of bundling adware in some products which makes me suspicious of that option. The screen saver is great but I wouldn't want this program always running.
Wot has many reviews claiming that the software [non gaotd version] has a virus.
I trust Goatd has scanned it for malware.
But if claims are true, the screen saver may silently update itself with an "improved" version at any time.
Caveat Emptor.
It's an impressive screen saver in regards to it's options. The are a lot of built in images but you can add your own. There are lots of sound options and you can even get it to play your music. You can change the color of the flames (a lot to choose from) and there are several different burning sounds from campfire to blowtorch.
You can add your own image too but I haven't tried that option.
I recommend trying this one, even if it's just to use to have your computer play your music after a set period of time.
This is great. The flames are VERY realistic, and within minutes of installation, I was able to roast some hot dogs on my monitor. They were delicious. Three thumbs up!
Bought this some years ago and have to say that it is really, really good. Have used it on laptops and desktops with XP,Vista and 7.
Be careful of the free desktop gadget and Heart On Fire screensaver as they have revenue earning extras bundled with them, as i recall, but never had any issues with the Fantastic Flame, full version. un salva pantallas esta bien ...curioso...
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