Cada día ofrecemos un programa licenciado GRATIS que de otra manera tendrías que comprar!
KeyCtrl 2.006 estaba como Giveaway el día n 2 de julio de 2024
Tenga en cuenta: ¡el archivo del programa incluye solo el archivo Léame con las instrucciones de descarga! Ctrl+C y Ctrl+V son los atajos de teclado más utilizados en Windows. Ahorran mucho tiempo al usuario y aceleran enormemente el trabajo en la PC. ¿No sería bueno si pudieras usar atajos de teclado también para otras tareas? ¿Por ejemplo, para insertar automáticamente textos de uso frecuente en el programa de correo electrónico o en Word, traducir el contenido de un sitio web, tomar capturas de pantalla o abrir la carpeta más utilizada en el Explorador de Windows? ¡KeyCtrl es la clave! Automatiza tus tareas diarias ahora y define tus propias teclas de acceso rápido. ¡Aumente la productividad y minimice el tiempo invertido con los atajos adecuados!
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10/ 11
612 B
Lifetime with free updates and technical support for six months
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Requires registration at sofware website. Pass for me.
Having to keep up with every website that would require registration/id/password is too much. If this is "FREE licensed software" there should be nothing else required other than a download and activation.
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I use the freeware AnyHotkey. The following script is meant for daily use on all my Windows machines. It works in all applications:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
RegRead, ProductName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, ProductName
^!d:: ; ^ = Ctrl, ! = Alt, so the script is executed with the key combination Ctrl-Alt-D
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, ' created on '%A_ComputerName%' on 'dddd dd MMMM yyyy 'at' HH:mm 'hours '
WeekNumber:=SubStr(A_YWeek,-1) ; YWeek contains yyyyww and the second parameter -1 indicates that the two rightmost characters are taken
Send in week %WeekNumber% ; outputs the text "in week", followed by the week number (two characters)
SendInput, %CurrentDateTime% ; outputs the text "created on day name day number month name year at hours two characters:minutes two characters hours"
Capslock::Enter ; Capslock functions as a second Enter key
+Capslock::Capslock ; use Shift-CapsLock as Capslock
::br::Best regards,{Enter}
When I press Ctrl+Alt+D, it generates a line with the week number, name of the computer, year, month, day, hours and minutes. I use that below my signature in mails.
The Caps Lock key is used as second Enter key, to prevent unwanted capitals. To activate Caps Lock, I have to use Shift+Caps Lock. When I type br, it will type Best Regards, followed by an automatic Enter.
I have left out the code that generates my real name, when I type its abbreviation.
I feel no need for other shortcuts, but when you Google, you will find many other possibilities.
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Both the giveaway and the trial only have help files in English and in Turk. There is a de.pdf and a tr.pdf in the programme folder. No en.pdf.
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gergn, typing error: there is NO help file in ENglish. Only in German. And in Turk.
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