Cada día ofrecemos un programa licenciado GRATIS que de otra manera tendrías que comprar!
LignUp Multi Collector 5.1.5 estaba como Giveaway el día n 21 de diciembre de 2013
LignUp Multi Collector es una herramienta universal para gestionar el inventario de cualquiera de sus elementos o de una colección. Con muchos de los elementos LignUp Multi Collector separados, este programa se ha convertido en un verdadero tesoro - una colección armoniosa y ordenada.
Usando el Multi Collector usted será capaz de personalizar completamente su colección - con plantillas de elementos personalizados, su propia estadística e informes, tarjetas personalizables y diseños.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8, (x32/x64); Internet connection for activation
27.4 MB
All in 1 universal Ultimate license for 2 PCs (Mac OS or Windows) for all LignUp collecting software.
Get All features of Multi Collector at your services for 2 computers (Mac or PC).
Despite its current ridiculous and senseless LOW rating I found this GAOTD pretty GOOD and very handy as well.
In short it enables you to create a custom collection database in order to keep any items of yours organized into different and very well tagged categories, giving users the ability to add images and details about each item.
Supports webcam and graphic editing function, with the ability to password protect your database as well as search online information about a certain item (for instance a book or a movie).
It also sports a cool report generator hich can be easily about your collection which can be easily exported to PDF, Excel CSV and HTML format.
THUMBS UP from me!!
To organize any SOFTWARE installed in your machine like a PRO:
To carry all your favorite PORTABLE APPS with you on a portable device:
But what if you could not only encrypt your files on a USB drive, but also organize them in several categories automatically (My Pictures, My Videos, My Music, My Documents, My Archives, My Software, My Other Files etc...) for FREE ?
Dear Giveaway of the Day Members,
Today You can get Ultimate license (bundle of all our programs) for 2 computers (Mac OS+ Windows) for only $9.95 (85% DISCOUNT).
Mike A.,
LignUp Team.
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