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Money-pal Personal Finance estaba como Giveaway el día n 4 de octubre de 2016
Money-Pal Personal Finance es un multi-usuario único, Aplicación Financiera / basada en la nube, es híbrida para las pequeñas empresas o individuos, que proporciona una gestión de cuentas financieras (similar a Mint y Quicken) y Presupuesto (similar a YNAB).
Windows 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10
29.2 MB
Money-Pal Pro is a unique multi-user, Desktop/Private Cloud-based hybrid Financial Software Application for small businesses or individuals which provides Financial Accounts Management (similar to Mint and Quicken), Budgeting (similar to YNAB - You Need A Budget) and Invoicing (similar to Freshbooks) Once installed, Money-pal functions as a secure desktop program and/or internet server. It can then be accessed via network, either locally or remotely through the Internet, from PC, smartphone or tablet. Get Money-Pal Pro with 60% off discount! The offer is valid for 7 days.
Checked out the website and noticed that there were no assurances given about how secure any date uploaded would be or any mention as to whether the data is encrypted. I wouldn't trust the details of my ill gotten gains (only joking) to an unknown company with no idea of how my data is stored or even were it is stored. I'll definitely pass on this.
The reason is probably because everything is stored on your own computer and Money-Pal cannot be responsible for your own data on your own computer. As no data is uploaded to any server, there is no need for Money-Pal to encrypt your data.
What are the terms of this app? Does it expire after some point? What happens if/when that time arrives?
You say this is aimed at small business... I've found no details about it's integration into various contries tax systems.. For example, can it produce a BAS as required in Australia?
Can it be used locally, without using the cloud? I keep all my backups on a separate hard drive. No financial stuff is going into the cloud thank you!
Can it be used 100% offline and never give info to the company? I don't rely on the "cloud". I don't see the aim to be data sent to a "cloud".
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