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Safe`n`Sec 2009 Personal Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Safe`n`Sec 2009 Personal

Safe`n`Sec® 2009 Personal provides proactive protection of your PC against known malicious threats and unknown “zero-day” attacks.
$29.33 EXPIRÓ
Votación de Usuario: 349 1 Comentarios

Safe`n`Sec 2009 Personal estaba como Giveaway el día n 9 de junio de 2009

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¡Un removedor profesional de antecedentes!

Safe`n`Sec 2009 Personal ofrece protección proactiva de su PC contra amenazas maliciosas conocidas y desconocidas contra los ataques "día cero".  Evita que los datos confidenciales, contraseñas y números de tarjetas de crédito sean extraídos mediante fuga bloques si toman control remoto no autorizado de tu PC.


  • Escala completa de la seguridad Safe`n`Sec personal de los productos está garantizada por la tecnología proactiva única - análisis de comportamiento y soluciones V.I.P.O (Valid Inside Permitted Operations);
  • Proteger sus datos contra todas las amenazas maliciosas y desconocido ataques  "día cero";
  • En la información en tiempo real, la seguridad es proporcionada por la nueva solución de sistemas flexibles de delimitación privilegios;
  • El Firewall incluido, bloquea todas las amenazas en Internet;
  • La eficacia de protección no depende de las actualizaciones y la presencia de software de antivirales;
  • El  Antivirus incluye máximo nivel de seguridad en su PC;
  • Bloqueo preciso de los programas maliciosos desconocidos, sin falsear la activación;
  • El mínimo de las investigaciones a los usuarios mientras trabajan;
  • Elegir entre modo automático y modo de operación interactiva;
  • Único modo de auto-aprendizaje del programa se ajusta a su estilo de trabajo y los hábitos;
  • Impresión de los recursos del sistema y de alta velocidad de funcionamiento;
  • Interfaz intuitiva y fácil de usar.

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Requerimientos del Sistema:

Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (SP3)/ XP Professional Edition (SP3)/ XP Professional x64 Edition (SP3); Intel Pentium x86/x64 processor 300 MHz or compatible; 256MB RAM available; 40 MB free space on the hard drive. Windows Vista Home Basic x86/х64 (SP1)/ Vista Home Premium x86/х64 (SP1)/ Vista Business x86/х64 (SP1)/ Vista Ultimate x86/х64 (SP1); Intel Pentium x86 processor 1 GHz or compatible; 512MB RAM available; 40 MB free space on the hard drive.

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48.1 MB



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tanta flojera les da hacer un comentario de por que lo califican negativo me parece muy cobarde esta actitud por mi parte es un buen pragrama.

Responder   |   guillermo  –  15 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (0)
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It is a security suite that includes a firewall. I doubt that the firewall would be more effective than OnlineArmour, Comodo, or Outpost since they get nearly perfect scores.

I'm going to pass today as I prefer stand-alone security products over suites. Also, I try to avoid security products until they have established a trustworthy name. If you are going to try this one out, make sure you image your HD before installing (as you should do with any new security product).

g915  –  15 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+118)

Yeah, to some of the other comments, according to the site I go to, this is what they reccommend...I apologize for the wall of text that I'm about to paste, but considering what's being offered, it might be helpful.


Do not use Multiple Antivirus Applications or Software Firewalls

* Antivirus: If you have multiple antivirus applications installed on your PC, please choose the one you prefer and uninstall all others. Do this now before continuing because you will only be asked to do it later if not done now. This does not mean online scanners. It is only referring to full antivirus applications like McAfee, Symantec, AVG, Avast, AntiVir, Kaspersky, etc.
* Firewall: Only use one software firewall. Running multiple software firewalls is unnecessary and using more than one software firewall on the same connection could cause issues with connectivity to the Internet or other unexpected behavior including excessive use of system resources which will slow down overall PC performance.

Jeania  –  15 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+55)

If you already have a firewall & anti-virus, and your computer is still functioning, why get rid of them to download a product you've never heard of?

As a wise person once said - "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Spanky  –  15 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+42)

For those who know nothing about computer protection or even what they currently have on their system, this is better than having nothing at all. BUT, like so many other paid (not today) all-in-one type packages(PC Tools, etc.), rarely do all 3 (virus, malware, firewall) function effectively. In this case, from all the results I could find (TopTenReviews,etc.) for any of the three, Safe 'n' Sec could not be found.

The point of my ramble, as a few others have said, most of the top rated programs are free. The combo I currently use is Anvir, Comodo Firewall, and Search and Destroy w/ realtime and then scan periodically with Malwarebytes. Then if I have a particular file I'd like to scan, I use an online scanner (obviously free) at F-Secure: or Kaspersky's:

Something you also might find helpful is this site, where is lists 103 security programs (free, duh! lol) and talk briefly about the good and bad of each:

Chad  –  15 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+37)

First of all let's understand what "Zero Day attacks" means.

From online: "A zero day attack, also known as a zero hour attack, takes advantage of computer vulnerabilities that do not currently have a solution. Typically, a software company will discover a bug or problem with a piece of software after it has been released and will offer a patch — another piece of software meant to fix the original issue. A zero day attack will take advantage of that problem before a patch has been created. It is named zero day because it occurs before the first day the vulnerability is known.
In most cases, a zero day attack will take advantage of a bug that neither the software’s creators nor users are aware of. In fact, this is precisely what malicious programmers hope to find. By finding software vulnerabilities before the software’s makers find them, a programmer can create a virus or worm that exploits that vulnerability and harms computer systems in a variety of ways.
Not every zero day attack truly occurs before software producers are aware of the vulnerability. Sometimes software producers learn of the vulnerability but developing a patch can take time. Alternatively, software producers may sometimes hold off on releasing the patch because they do not want to inundate customers with numerous individual updates. If the vulnerability is not particularly dangerous, software producers may choose to hold off until multiple updates are collected and release them together as a package. Still, this approach can potentially expose users to a zero day attack.
A zero day attack can be harmful to specific computers long after a patch has been created and the vulnerability has been closed. This is because many computer owners do not regularly update their software with patches made available by the software makers. To protect your system, software maker's recommend that users regularly check their site(s) for software patches, or bug fixes.
Many computer experts recommend two techniques to protect a computer system against a zero day attack. The first is enabling heuristic virus scanning, an option in anti-virus software to block currently unknown viruses and worms, because the typical zero day attack is unknown until a large number of computers have been infected. The second is to use a firewall to protect a computer against online exploits".

So according to this statement which is like others concerning "Zero Day" threats this program could have its own "Zero Day" running in it. Personally I'll stick to well known security programs instead of installing a program I've never heard of. If you have a good firewall and malware blocker/Remover there's no need for this "Scare em good" program. Online this program is only good for a year then you have to pony up more cash. Is this the same deal?

Phil  –  15 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+30)

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