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Smart Audio Editor Personal 6.0 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Smart Audio Editor Personal 6.0

Smart Audio Editor is a full-featured digital audio editing software.
$29.95 EXPIRÓ
Votación de Usuario: 232 Déjanos un Comentario

Smart Audio Editor Personal 6.0 estaba como Giveaway el día n 8 de julio de 2012

Hoy en Giveaway of the Day
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Una suite de limpieza y ajuste del sistema para ventanas.

Audio Editor Smart es un completo software de edición de audio digital que ofrece una gran variedad de grabación de audio, mezcla, edición, análisis y procesamiento de efectos posibilidades. Ofrece una interfaz intuitiva y fácil de usar interfaz y está diseñado para el usuario cotidiano.

Cuenta con docenas de sorprendentes efectos de audio y herramientas para convertir archivos de audio en diferentes formatos, incluyendo MP3, WMA, WAV, Ogg Vorbis y muchos otros. Y eso es sólo el comienzo de lo que puede hacer con el editor de audio inteligente.

Si estás utilizando audio para cualquier cosa - sitios web, presentaciones de PowerPoint, animaciones Flash, Audio Editor inteligente tendrá sus creaciones al próximo nivel.

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Requerimientos del Sistema:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7; 1.0 GHz processor ~ Recommended: 2.4 GHz; 512 MB of RAM ~ Recommended: 1 GB or more; 60 MB of hard-disk space for program installation

Publicado por:

SmartAudio Systems

Página Oficial:

Tamaño del Archivo:

16.0 MB



Comentarios en Smart Audio Editor Personal 6.0

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mejores comentarios en Inglés

They make it sound like this is the only recorder/editor you will ever need. Good Ad copy on website.

I hope the program is Smarter than their Math skills.

Their website says we can upgrade to the DELUXE version with lifetime support and upgrades at 50% off the $49 price.... but at $29.95, that isn't 50% off. Are they smarter than a 5th grader?

SO, Is this offer the deluxe version with lifetime support and upgrades - NOT! - and - the program is FREE on their website ANYWAY.

Other than using GOTD as an outlet for advertising, I think they might want to rethink the offer presented here.

I'll try the software and see how it stacks up to the usual assortment of freeware in this category.

Head office is in Illinois ... founded in 2000 and 12 years later they have only ONE program to offer? Was this the effort of one person doing it on their spare time?

ken  –  12 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+95)

1. First mp3 I opened:
Access violation at address xxxxxxxx in module winmm.dll. Read of address xxxxxx.

Why? Chinese characters in the file/path name.

- make it unicode compatible so it doesn't crash with non-Latin characters in file/path name.

2. Cassette noise reduction
No parameters apparent. Maybe there are some somewhere.
Created huge gaps (silence) in good Albinoni mp3.

Sorry, not this time.

David  –  12 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+74)

@ #4, Ken, and also @ #2, Greg Baker

It's as well not to get too hung up on the provenance of today's GAOTD developer. Because it's not American, but Chinese.

Anyone who actually knows McHenry, lllinois, knows it ain't rendered as Mchenry and never has been nor will be. Just as anyone who knows Mobridge, South Dakota, will also know that there ain't no 6466NE Chestnut Road, by coincidence the home of sound editor software specialist Smart Media Systems -- which by yet further coincidence was established there in the same year as Smart AE Media Software began life in an Illinois city it can't even spell: 2000.

Of course, of course: the American software company SmartMediaSystems, creators of Power Audio Editor, and operating from an address which doesn't exist, are in no way connected with American software company Smart AE Media Software, responsible for publishing today's GAOTD from an address it can't even spell.

The fact that SmartMedia Systems has, since the year 2000, been committed to the creation of high quality, intuitive and powerful software: we value diligence, creativity and innovation and today's Mchenry (sic) Smart AE Media Software has, also since the year 2000, been committed to the creation of high quality, intuitive and powerful software: we value diligence, creativity and innovation is just, er, yet another coincidence.

So no, Greg Baker. This isn't an American company. And no, Ken, it hasn't taken 12 years to produce just one program. More than likely, the Chinese producer has spent many years setting up innumerable websites with different brands and different addresses so as to push out in to the marketplace a single core product with so many different names that perhaps even the developer itself has completely lost track of all its silly little fictions.

And yes: silly they are. Good software is good software, period. Whether it comes from China or the USA or anywhere else is irrelevant, so the sooner, the better that Chinese developers stop all this amateurishly-executed fantasizing.

What counts is whether the software works. Today's most likely does.

But I'm not trying it because I'm pretty sure I already have it on my computer, perhaps as Power Audio Editor from Smart Media Systems, or Free Audio Editor from another American company that is -- perhaps?? -- located in Fullerton, California, or even Audio Edit Magic, from that well-known American developer, Audio Edit Magic Soft Development Inc, which, you'll be amazed to learn, was coincidentally also founded in the year 2000 and, also by coincidence, operates from a building absolutely identical to that occupied by Smart Media Systems, except that Smart Media is on a non-existent street in Mowbridge, South Dakota, whereas Audio Edit Magic Soft Development is headquartered on a non-existent street in Scarborough, Maine, USA.

Reassuringly though, this American audio editing software developer is also committed to high quality, intuitive and powerful software: we value diligence, creativity and innovation and really, you can't say fairer than that. . . unless you're a Chinese developer, in which case, you'll say it dozens of times about dozens of different, though entirely fictitious, companies operating from dozens of similarly fictitious American addresses, all with the intention of saturating a particular market sector with your own, single, product.

On which note, there's actually one very good reason why so many computer users stick with Audacity: weirdly enough, it really does exist. . .

MikeR  –  12 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+67)

This editor is exactly like "Sound Editor Pro" Version 7.5.1 which was offered here few weeks ago. The screenshots are identical and I assume the function is identical too so I am not going to try it. I like Sound Editor Pro's timer where you can choose the recording time. I think Audacity is easier to use but I like the timer on the Sound Editor Pro and this offer Smart Audio Editor.

ASBY  –  12 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+65)

Checked out Web Site Address in USA?
Well planned site, Awards page credible, Support, Tutorials Etc.
Uploaded installed Simple Copy/paste Reg. Key And you can put your own name in!
Quick workout on text to speech, cut and paste from PDF, Doc all went to plan.
Trim and effects worked well too.
Way toooo much to test now but I am impressed so far !

Greg Baker  –  12 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+57)

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