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SmartSleep Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — SmartSleep

SmartSleep is a powerful shutdown utility and shutdown scheduler.
$19.95 EXPIRÓ
Votación de Usuario: 321 Déjanos un Comentario

SmartSleep estaba como Giveaway el día n 12 de julio de 2011

Hoy en Giveaway of the Day
gratis hoy
Una suite de limpieza y ajuste del sistema para ventanas.

SmartSleep es una poderosa utilidad de apagado, así como un programador de apagado. Está simplemente diseñado para el cierre de equipo en un momento determinado. También se pueden programar estas tareas, por lo que puede apagar el PC todos los domingos a las 18:00 y así sucesivamente. Sin embargo, SmartSleep puede hacer mucho más que eso!

SmartSleep soporta estas operaciones: Apagar, cerrar sesión, reiniciar, pantalla en negro, hibernación, suspender la ejecución de archivos y mensaje en pantalla. Pero eso no es todo, SmartSleep ofrece muchas funciones adicionales, tales como como la sincronización con el reloj atómico, es posible sincronizar el reloj en línea con el reloj atómico, por lo que su hora siempre es exacta.

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Requerimientos del Sistema:

Windows 7/ Vista/ XP/ 2000

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Tamaño del Archivo:

2.69 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by IObit
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
Developed by ArcSoft

Comentarios en SmartSleep

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mejores comentarios en Inglés

Why do people vote thumbs down just because it is a program they don't want?

How about this, if you don't want the program, don't vote. It gives people and developers a inaccurate feedback.

At 3:01 there was already a thumbs down vote. Now there is no way you had time to download, install and use the program long enough to rate it.

housry23  –  13 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+229)

This program previously appeared back in 2007 -

I think some people read the first sentence of the description and in a rush to comment post without even trying the software, or looking at the program website to see if there is something they may have missed.

I remember this program last time quite well. The use I found for it was on a laptop beside my bed. At whatever time I decided to go to bed, I could easily have my laptop play some music from a playlist, for 30 minutes. The volume would gradually decrease until the countdown timer had elapsed, and my laptop would also be put into standby/sleep mode.

Sure I could write scripts and batch files - play with the task scheduler, even find some plugins for my media player to allow the volume to be reduced over a custom time period.... but this already had it there. Simple. Software doesn't always have to be amazingly complicated or do something that is otherwise impossible. This app was just very convenient.

There are lots of other options that this program can handle - but at it's essence, it is a simple scheduler with a useful take on the idea of how your PC could be shut down. I like it.

BuBBy  –  13 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+191)

Or you can use scheduled tasks that is built in to Windows.

If you don't know what scheduled tasks are, you can search help and it will tell you exactly how to do the things that they mention this program does.

Oh well...

Holy Moses  –  13 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+125)

Well, maybe it's time to have two user ratings.

One for those who actually installed the softwrare and did or didn't like it, and one for those who are not planning to install the software but like or dislike the particular kind of software.

Maybe it's time for us, users, to be given the opportunity to suggest the kind of software we would like to see in the near future.

Don't get me wrong. I thing GAOTD team is doing a superb job and this is one of my favorite sites. And through the years I have downloaded many of the giveaways.

Visiting the site every day to see what free software-surprise awaits me is a fun process. Reading the reviews and the opinions about the software of the day, is an equally fun and very useful and sometimes very educational proccess.

It would be great however, if there was a way to share our thoughs with the developers and the software companies, in order to give them an idea about what we like to see in the future...

Moderator comment: The GOTD forums is the place to discuss such a thing (Suggestions for the site & the Giveaway Team). The comments on this page should specifically relate to the daily giveaway. Suggestions and recommendations for future giveaways have a forum topic dedicated for that purpose.

gem  –  13 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+49)

#2 perhaps we have already tried this, its not new its been around a for while

buckoooo  –  13 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+47)

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