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Sothink SWF Decompiler 5.4 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Sothink SWF Decompiler 5.4

The professional Flash decompiler easily decompiles one or more SWF to FLA, SWF to FLEX project.
$79.99 EXPIRÓ
Votación de Usuario: 230 Déjanos un Comentario

Sothink SWF Decompiler 5.4 estaba como Giveaway el día n 26 de febrero de 2010

Hoy en Giveaway of the Day
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Convierta las imágenes JPG, PNG, TIFF y BMP en PDF.

Sothink SWF Decompiler es un descompilador profesional de Flash. Puedes fácilmente descompilar SWF a FLA y proyectos FLEX. No solo soporta AS3, este descompilador Flash también soporta Flash 6/MX 2004/8/CS3/CS4 y FLEX. Extrae casi todo los elementos Flash incluyendo forma, formas morph, imágenes, sonidos, videos, marcos, fuentes, textos, botones, sprites y ActionScript.

SWF Decompiler es totalmente compatible con with Windows 7; soporta la búsqueda de todos los ActionScript.

The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Requerimientos del Sistema:

Windows 7 (x32/x64); Vista (x32/x64); XP (x32/x64); Me/2000; 98/NT 4.0; Server 2003 (x32/x64); Server 2008 (x32/x64)

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11.8 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by MPCSTAR
Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated
Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated
Transform media files for playback on various devices.

Comentarios en Sothink SWF Decompiler 5.4

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mejores comentarios en Inglés

Great application, comparable to Flash Decompiler trillix if not even better. Good to have a play around with what is inside all those SWF files even if you are not a developer. I was using the past version offered here before and it's a great piece of software.

You can start by extracting videos, audio files and images embedded inside flash files as well as vector images and action script. Converting SWF to FLA is also attainable, not always successful but can usually be used even as training material.

There is a learning curve to this application but it's very rewarding and a fantastic product for free and even good at the the regular pricing.

The previous version crashed when exporting text from files so I'm rather glad this update came along.

anton  –  14 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+38)

@Joji #4

> 4.So what exactly does this do? I don’t get it…

Good question, Joji! The use of the term "decompiler" may be a bit confusing, especially for someone who mostly uses it in a programming context ("compiler" as opposed to "interpreter", e.g. C++ vs. Basic).
Perhaps "decomposer" would be less confusing.

As far as I understand it this program decomposes a flash movie into it's various elements, i.e. pictureframes, soundtrack(s), text etc... all of which, when compiled/composed/put together, give the resulting movie.

I have to admit though that this explanation is pure guesswork on my part, so I hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong or incomplete ;-)

Shinerunner #4's "now if I could just find a free compiler I would be happy" seems to indirectly support my explanation. Having both a decompiler and a compiler would make it possible to compose really fun stuff from a collection of elements "ripped" from different movies. For creative people that may be the equivalent of "heavan on earth" ;-)
So, Shinerunner, submit your request to GOTD in the section dealing with this.


[this comment #7 at time of submission - 26/02 - 13:29 GMT+1]

Patrick  –  14 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+25)

@Patrick #10, Joji #4 and john connor #8:
Right - and SWF file is the compiled flash movie and an FLA is the uncompiled elements that are used to make the movie. A lot like pulling the source code from an executable.

Why would anyone want this? Well it can provide many elements from the original Flash movie that Flash developers or website designers can use. This includes the actual vector images, regular JPG or BMP images, sounds, fonts used, and (for the more technically inclined) the raw action script code which can then be modified or used in your own flash movies. If you've ever had a SWF banner or website element that plays a slideshow and wanted one of the images from it, this would let you grab that raw image rather than having to use a screen capture of the compressed/resized image for instance.

epoclaen  –  14 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+25)

@Mark, you don't have to install software informer. The final activation screen gives you an option with "Install Software Informer" on the bottom left, and "Close" on the bottom right. Just click close. I've never installed software informer and I've installed gads of GOTD software.

Always read the menus when installing free software. Many often "offer" to change your homepage, or install superfluous software.

FTR, this giveaway still gives you an activation screen where you have to opt out of Software Informer. The txt file serial doesn't bypass that "feature".

Tim  –  14 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+21)

My 2 cents is that if you don't know what the software does then you likely don't need it. If you do know what this does, then I would recommend it as it does a great job of restoring your projects from the SWF if you happened to have lost your project itself.

A FLA is the Flash project extension, sort of like PPT is a PowerPoint extension (my apologies for those that use OpenOffice instead, like I do at home where I have no need for Impress so I'm not familiar with the extension). When you open the PPT file, PowerPoint opens. For comparison purposes only, let's call PowerPoint the "Project creator/editor". Adobe Flash is the FLA "creator/editor".

Flash has various versions (Flash 6/MX 2004/8/CS3/CS4 being discussed here). Think of those as Office 2000/2003/2007 (or OOo2 versus OOo3). Either way, it ultimately will prodcude a SWF file which is a "compiled" version of the project (perhaps equate it to the .jar or .jad files a JAVA program produces? I'm not a Java developer so hopefully this is close to accurate). A SWF, in the most basic sense, can either be an animation or an actual application. ActionScript (AS) is the coding that makes it work and the current version is AS3.

Flex is yet another development environment used to produce SWF files.

When "decompiling" the SWF, it can produce the FLA (the project) and all resources used in the development, such as the ActionScript, images and videos.

FLV is a video (like MOV, AVI, MP4) and as such is not "decompilable" as far as I know.

Rich  –  14 years ago  –  ¿Te ha parecido útil este comentario? si | no (+15)

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