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Confidential Basic 1.7.1 estaba como Giveaway el día n 7 de julio de 2019
Confidencial le permite etiquetar archivos con diferentes niveles de confidencialidad con un solo clic, y las etiquetas son visibles para todo el equipo, en el Explorador de Windows. Esto ayuda a proteger a su equipo, a su empresa, a sus clientes ya usted mismo para cumplir con las regulaciones y las políticas de la empresa. Con Confidencial, podrá etiquetar archivos como confidenciales en discos, redes y servicios en la nube; de hecho, incluso puede etiquetar correos electrónicos como confidenciales. Si intenta enviar por correo electrónico un documento clasificado fuera de su empresa, el complemento de Outlook que viene con Confidencial le avisará.
Imagine que se beneficia de una solución automatizada que ayuda a mantener el cumplimiento de las normativas legales, los contratos y las políticas internas de la empresa. Las características adicionales incluyen la capacidad de crear y administrar grupos de usuarios para restringir fácilmente los archivos confidenciales a departamentos y equipos específicos. Lo mejor de todo es que puede crear reglas basadas en nombres de archivos y ubicaciones que le permitan etiquetar un disco completo en minutos.
Windows Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10 (x32/x64)
70.7 MB
Comentarios en Confidential Basic 1.7.1
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To me, a freelance writer, this would probably not be that useful.
But it occurs to me that if a company is using it, and RELYING on it for preventing the sending out of confidential files, it could be highly dangerous. What if it failed to prevent something being sent out one day? What if it got it all screwed up, and let some things go, others not (even if they can go out)? And what if it stopped working altogether?
Indeed, what if you forget, and in a year, someone is able to send out confidential files from the company, because a licence wasn't obtained in time?
I dunno, but to me it seems somewhat "dangerous" -- and therefore kinda inviting the very thing you'd like to avoid....
There must be a market for this sort of thing -- with companies. But I bet the developers cover themselves with exculpatory clauses that state they "are not responsible for any malfunctions" -- like files that go out "inadvertently" even though marked as "Confidential" with this programme....
As Barry Johnson says, "'Isn't this just a solution looking for a problem?"
The problem is, it could make one. Or many.
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Microsoft has a large array of biz solutions that allow meeting GDPR requirements, restricting/preventing access etc., but it's complicated enough to need IT specialists to set up & maintain, and all together probably too expensive for smaller businesses. If anyone's curious, Tony Redmond has written a number of articles on that sort of thing:
My take is that Confidential helps those smaller businesses, especially now that they may have to consider GDPR. I think you're correct that Confidential isn't an overwhelming solution, but then it doesn't require what for some are overwhelming resources.
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I work in a hectic office with a lot of email/messenger interaction and I have to ask myself, 'Is this a solution looking for a problem?'
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